Organic Waste Waiver Application


For businesses that may not create enough waste or have conditions that may not allow for the increased recycling requirements, a waiver may be requested. Eligibility may be confirmed by a site visit. Complete the application below to start the waiver process. For questions, please reach out to

DeMinimus Waiver Qualifications: 
  • Business currently subscribes to collection service
  • Total solid waste disposal (includes garbage, recycling and organic waste) of two (2) cubic yards or more per week; with less than 20 gallons per week of either organic waste
  • Total solid waste disposal (includes garbage, recycling and organic waste) of less than two (2) cubic yards per week; with less than 10 gallons per week of either organic waste
Physical Space Constraint Waiver Qualifications:
  • Business currently subscribes to collection service
  • Business property has no physical space for the additional organic waste carts/bins 
  • Documentation demonstrating that the property cannot accommodate the additional containers.  

Business Address