

Grass Valley Fire Department fully staffs Fire Stations 1 & 2 in the City of Grass Valley, and Fire Station 5 in Nevada City. Station tours are available to local schools, residents and groups or organizations based in Nevada County. Please schedule your tour 30 days in advance using the contact information provided on this page.

Station 1

Station 1 located at 472 Brighton Street in downtown and is home to Engine 1. Station 1 covers the southern half of the Grass Valley City Limits, and parts of Squirrel Creek, McCourtney Rd, Ridge Rd, Rough and Ready Hwy, and Bitney Springs. These areas are all covered by Station 1 through the drop boundary closest resource agreement. This agreement allows the closest resource to respond to calls for service no matter the agency. 

Station 2

Station 2, located at 213 Sierra College Dr. is home to Engine 2 and Truck 2. Station 2 covers the northern half of the City Limits as well as parts of Ridge Rd, and Nevada City Hwy. These areas are all covered by Station 2 through the drop boundary, closest resource agreement. This agreement allows the closest resource to respond to calls for service no matter the agency. Station 2 is also home to our Training Center and classrooms which are used by many agencies within western Nevada County.

Station 5

In 2018 the Nevada City Fire Department and the Grass Valley Fire Department entered into a Shared Administration pilot program.  With the success of that program the two agencies fully merged in 2020 with Nevada City contracting for services through Grass Valley.  This has resulted in a single agency comprised of a Fire Chief, a Division Chief, 3 Battalion Chiefs, 7 Fire Captains, 16 Firefighters, 2 Prevention Officers and a Fire Mechanic.   Nevada City Station 5 located at 201 Providence Mine Rd. responds to approximately 1,200 calls for service a year and provides 24 hour, year-round service. The Fire Department currently operates a 2020 KME Type I engine, a 2005 Pierce Type I Engine, a 2011 HME Type III Brush Engine, and three Utility Vehicles to cover the City. We also respond to calls in other jurisdictions under a Mutual Aid and Auto Aid Agreements. Our Department has been out on numerous wildland fires and other disasters with the US Forest Service, the California Department of Forestry and the Office of Emergency Services.