FIRE: Our primary purpose is to protect life and property from fire. We do so by sending an adequate amount of resources to fire calls that require high levels of activity and energy depletion. Structure fires in the city limits will get a dispatch of 1 Battalion Chief, 3 engines, and 1 ladder truck. This gives the first arriving units the manpower and equipment to accomplish the basic tasks. The Incident commander can augment the response by adding additional engines and personal to the scene.

Medical: The Grass Valley Fire Department provides EMS to the community with the help of Sierra Nevada Ambulance. When a 911 call is received for a medical emergency our dispatch center will send one fire engine and one ambulance. The fire engine is dispatched because we are usually closer to the call than the ambulance, therefore can provide medical care until they arrive. All members of the Grass Valley Fire Department are trained to the EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) level and act within the scope of practice approved by our local EMS agency.

Vehicle Accidents: Due to the possibile need for medical attention or extrication, Grass Valley Firefighters respond to all reported vehicle accidents in the city. We do so by sending a Battalion Chief, two engines, and a ambulance. The manpower provided by sending these resources allows crews to quickly assess the patient and extricate using the Jaws of Life is needed.

Technical Rescues: The Grass Valley Fire Department specializes in several technical rescue capabilities. All of our members are certified for both low angle rope rescues as well as high angle rope rescues and all of our apparatus carry the equipment needed to complete those rescues. Many of our personal are also certified as Confined Space Rescue Technicians and our Truck carries the equipment needed to accomplish those rescues. A confined space rescue is a multiple unit response requiring NCCFD Rescue 84 and the first due engine to assist. In addition to the above certifications many of our members are also certified Swift Water Rescue Technicians. We protect a very diverse area requiring us to be specialized in many different aspects.