Active Projects
Active projects include larger projects currently going through the planning and approval process. Environmental documents, special studies, and other relevant information can be found here.
2024 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, Vol I: Basic Plan
Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, Vol II: Jurisdictional Annexes
Jada Windows – Use Permit, Development Review, Lot Line Adjustment
Jada Transportation Impact Study
Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration - Jada
draft Mitigated Negative Declaration -Jada Windows
Dorsey Marketplace
Final Environmental Impact Report (2019)
Supplement to the Final EIR (SFEIR)
Response to Comments - Dorsey Marketplace SFEIR
Resolution 2024-66, Exhibit A: 2024 EIR
County Carbonizer and Outdoor Storage Use Permit