2024 Nevada County Multijurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan
The Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 requires all jurisdictions to be covered by a Pre-Disaster Hazards Mitigation Plan in order to be eligible for Federal Emergency Management Agency pre and post disaster mitigation funds. The plan seeks to reduce risk associated with natural hazards, whether it be severe thunderstorm, flood, severe winter weather, drought, heat wave, earthquake, dam failure, or wildfire. It also recognizes the importance of enhancing the ability for jurisdictions to withstand natural hazards as well as the importance of reducing human suffering, property damage, interruption of public services and economic losses caused by those hazards.
The City of Grass Valley fully participated in the Federal Emergency Management Agency prescribed mitigation-planning process to prepare this Multi-Jurisdictional All Hazards Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan, available to view using the following links:
2024 HMP Volume I (Basic Plan)
2024 HMP Volume II (Jurisdictional Annexes)